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Node-RED Router App Release

Written by Marek Černocký, Thursday 13 May 2021

Node-RED logoWe have released the new Node-RED Router App this week. The release has some new nodes (Big Timer, Credentials, Float and Loop), includes flow definitions to the router reports so you do not need to send it separately, and fixes a few small bugs. What you may find useful are two options which make it easier to provide your own flows.

There is a new option called “Flow files path” defining where Node-RED should store your flows. New default path is “/var/data/node-red” which solves issue with overwriting flows on the Node-RED Router App update. The new path is safe from flows lost on all router updates and restarts. But you can go even further and create a Router App from you flows.

Let’s show an example of “My App” Router App. Simply set the path to e.g. /opt/myapp/flows. Then prepare the folder structure:

/opt/myapp/etc /opt/myapp/flows

Place the files “name” and “version” containing the human readable name (e.g. “My App”) and version (e.g. “1.0.0”) of your project to /opt/myapp/etc. Finally, create the desired Node-RED flow. When you are done, archive it with the command:

tar -czf myapp.v3.tgz -C /opt myapp

The resulting archive is Router App installable to the routers in the same fashion as all other Router Apps.

Another new option “Enable flow webeditor” allows you to hide Node-RED from end users. Uncheck this option on the production routers and nobody will be able to display the Node-RED web interface on these routers.

We hope the all new features please our customers using Node-RED technology.